Saturday, December 8, 2018


So now I'm hoping if you visit my blog to help me with some of these products.
Have you used any of these before and did they work for you?


  • I found this draft post I had and this product was part of this post I wanted to post.
  • If you have tried this before, let me know if it works for you and how you used it. Such a small jar so cannot seriously be used on the whole body right?


  • Recently I was referred to a dermatologist who recommended that I take Dupixent to treat my eczema. 
  • I have doubts about adding another "possible" cure or relief substance in my body which can potentially cause more and different problems for my body just so I can have better looking skin and less itching.
  • I'm not sure I want to do that. I have enough problems coping with eczema. You know what I mean?
  • Also, I'm not sure if he just wants me to try the new drug which help some people to help me or for another willing subject to try a new drug to "hopefully" help alleviate my symptoms. It's the look in his eyes. The dismay when I told him my concerns about taking a drug that may cause new issues. It's not a risk I was willing to take.
  • I guess if I really felt that he truly cared about me as a person, I may have considered it a little more but it was the lack of care. The lack of accountability and compassion. That is what kills me. I'm a human being with an issue. Not a subject.
  • I can live with what I have right now until it become unbearable and I cannot move or something but I'm not going to be super vain and want to do it just so I can wear short sleeve or no sleeves clothing.
  • My partner doesn't want me to take it either and he knows how my skin looks. I am so super grateful he is so loving and caring, plus he looks past superficial appearances. He doesn't like me to suffer from the itching, rash skin and flaky skin either but he agrees with me that I should not introduce anymore chemicals into my body.
  • What are your thoughts? Is there actual a dermatologist out there that really cares about their patience. I mean just having to go to him to see him gives me stress with the lack of care he gives for my well being.