Tuesday, January 27, 2015


So I'm just taking a break from work and reading up on ezcema relief treatments and came across this article. http://www.healthline.com/health-news/clinical-studies-eczema-new-treatments-060214#2

This link is on the same thing but better, as it has images. :)

All these creams we are using with side effects that are scary. Just trying to use less as I am using these steriod creams such as Topicort and Protopic (tacrolimus). They were saying that tacrolimus is better than steriods but it also has its side effects, including skin cancer. :( I try not to think about it too much and to try not to use it unless absolutely required.

When my skin flares up, I cannot use anything else but the Topicort to get the relief for the itchy and the red flaring rash. It's so hard when you cannot predict when it hits. When it happens, I think to myself, "What did I eat? Did I not hydrate my skin enough? Did I use something that I am now allergic to? Is it the weather? Am I stressed? Is it my clothes? Not enough sleep?". It goes on and on.

It is a constant battle to avoid using these treatments and finding other means to find relief as I have mentioned in my previous entries. And as you get older, healing is slower.

I recently saw my doctor and at the time my skin was badly rashed up and had broken skin and open cuts. My doctor asked me when my last tetanus shot was and I told her when I was a child for sure. She immediately insisted I roll up my sleeves to take the shot that day. I hate needles but there was no stopping her. So I took it. Was not bad, she was a good needle administrator like she told me before it happened. I think the shot helped me, because I noticed that if I apply medication on those open cuts now, the healing seems faster. I remember before they would stay around forever it seemed and did not heal as fast as it did when I was younger. Guess, I do need to listen to my doctor.

Anyways, I'm still searching for relief. The best thing to do is to take the time to hydrate my dry skin for sure. But that is the key here, TIME. With busy schedule at work, stress filled in my own mind and at work, lack of sleep and lack of time to take care of my skin is not helping at all.  There comes a time when you need to stop, think and see what is important.

If you read the article, there may be better treatment coming soon within 5 years? Time flies, so I wish the doctors the best of luck to come up with something for us ezcema sufferers. Meanwhile, really the only thing I am not allergic to is Petroleum Jelly. And I do mix it with my steriod creams sometimes. As you know, steriod cream dries up your affected skin area and if you do not hydrate, it just keeps the rash cycle going.

More later if I find more interested articles. PEACE.

P.S. Wow, just looked at my blog and realized, I had no entries in 2014. Was a busy year.

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