Monday, February 18, 2013

Dry Flaky Skin Around the Eyes

So, it's been a week since I saw the dermatologist and I did not take the pills that I was prescribed. :)  I tried using a bit of Protopic around my eczema affected areas and used Vaseline on my eyelids and around my eyes, especially at the corners.  And it worked!  It may have taken a lot longer but I really didn't want to ingest the Prednisone pills. But it's there in case I have a big flare up!!

Of course, I have to tell you that along with this ritual of putting the Vaseline, Protopic (very very little) and no make up, I was also less stressed out at work.  Stress is the EVIL of all things for us eczema sufferers for sure!

So all in all, right now all is good with my eyes. I hope if you are having issues this may help. For the Vaseline to work and blended in, the area should be a big moisten with water. ;)

Hope this last! I did take my vacation time too so with that and some R & R, I will have less stress and more time to recover fully.



  1. I know what you are going through and I feel for you. I've also been through several treatments, from Chinese medicine, dermatologist (Protopic), Vaseline, baths, CeraVe, etc. I know that stress takes a toll on eczema too. I'm an Asian, living in Canada, who has dealt with this since I was a child, and the ONLY thing that has transformed my skin, allowed me to sleep throughout the night and not allow stress to aggravate my condition is Neosporin Eczema Essentials Cream. It's available at Walmart, Target and other stores in the US. Please check it out. You can see numerous reviews at

  2. Thanks Anonymous, sorry I just saw your comment now. I will check out the product. Though I do not seem to see it in the stores thus far where I am.

    I'll see if I can order it online and try it out. I am sure it's a new product that has not reach our stores here in Canada yet. How did you get yours? On your travels?
