Saturday, February 9, 2013

Prednisone v.s. Protopic, Cream v.s. Lotion 

Well, it has come to this again. The new dermatologist I went to seek a diagnosis on my eye issues with eczema. I didn't know what exactly it was but it has been so dry and flaky for almost a month now. I would have one good day when I am not at work and then because of the dry air in the office it drying happens even when I try to moisturize during the day. Doesn't help when colleagues think I'm obsess with looking at myself. They don't really understand the feeling of the tight feeling I have and having the need to look what the heck is up with skin around my eyes. When I see that's is dry and cracked I'm freaking out. What the hell can you put around the area without affect the inside of my eyes. Too much moisturizing seem to build protein from within. There was no winning there.

Biggest mistake was to stretch my skin to make the tight feeling go away. I only split the corner of my eyes and holy cow that hurt. Not to mention I know nicely created more wrinkles. Aaargh.

Anyways, I know if I take the Prednisone pill my skin will miraculously clear up and that is all of my skin, not just around my eyes. But there are side effects for taking Prednisone, it's basically instead of applying the steroids directly to the affected areas you are not ingesting the steroids and it's going to work on your entire body. I've taken this while I worked in Asia and let me tell you that it works. But it also create problems with your body. Especially if you are female, yeast infections comes every time I take them. It could be because of the place I was in, where it's pretty humid in the first place but it's not fun having to see one doctor and ending up seeing another type just because I want the easiest way out of the other.

I took the prescription but I think I need to hold out and see if applying the Protopic will help. He said that I could try to use that first if I am adverse to taking the Prednisone, it's my choice. Well of course it's my choice, I hate to create another known problem from taking the prescription. I've been there many times and it's the worse circumstance. Who needs two problems.

I'm taking the weekend to religiously apply a thin layer where my eyes are affected. It's not a steroid cream so it won't thin my already very thin skin around my eyes. I wanted to see and hear the Dermatologist tell me what I can put around my eyes and eyelids before doing it regularly and he said putting the Protopic will be okay. He also talked about moisturizing and taking lukewarm baths. We all know this already but who has the time to take a bath these days. I guess I really do need to make the time for ME. The interesting recommendation was to use the Aveeno oil NOT the oatmeal powder. I knew that didn't work for me but I guess they know that now too. That powder just makes me itch more.
The other recommendations were Oilatum bath oil and Alpha Keri oil. I like the Oilatum, and the Apha Keri oil I've used before and it smells great but I think I'm a bit allergic to that one.

And get this, Vaseline Petroleum Jelly was one of his choice of recommendation to moisturize with. One of my friends is really against people using it but yet that is the only thing that really keeps my body moisturized, especially after a shower or bath. Especially when my skin is at it's driest and flaky. Once I get over that flaky stage I would switch to use CeraVe Cream or Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream. The key is using cream...he said not anything that you can pump out like lotions because lotions contain too much water. He actually he also recommended Lipikar Baume...I've used that and I like it but it's kind of pricey.

It's Saturday so last night I took my anti-histamine Atarax which makes me drowsy but I guess it does calm me down and let's me sleep through the night. Taking two pills was recommended when I really have an attack, but then don't bother thinking I'll wake up for anything after that. Aaaaah, the pleasure of not having to wake up for anything on the weekends (other than your own social and family life calling).  Stress is just everywhere, if you are not working and getting stressed, your family likes to stress you out whether they know they are doing it or not. All I want is to be stressed free, but it seems in order to be stressed free you need to not have feelings and empathy. That's not me, I'm too empathetic and too emotional.

So, I've decided to take the longer approach for now and see what happens with Protopic and Vaseline to moisturize around my eyes. We'll see what happens. If it still does not work...THE PREDNISONE.

Anyways, I know if I take the pill, I'll clear my rash within a few days...however, the side effects and another one is that my face will blow up like a balloon. Chubby or Michelin face is what my colleagues in Asia would call me. :( Nice. NOT.

I will provide an update on my progress with this and hope that my Protopic and Vaseline approach works.

Ciao for now.

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